Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
Connect 2050 is the LRTP for the S/WMPO. It is the source for planning transportation investments for the region over the next 30 years. Federal law requires the plan to "include both long-range and short-range program strategies/actions that lead to the development of an integrated intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods."​
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The TIP is used to identify transportation projects and strategies S/WMPO will implement over the next four years. These projects reflect the investment priorities detailed in the LRTP. All projects receiving Federal funding must be in the TIP
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
The UPWP lists the transportation studies and task that S/WMPO staff will perform to support the metropolitan transportation planning process. The UPWP also includes S/WMPO's budget by fiscal year.
. Download Unified Planning Work Program - Fiscal Year 2025
Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The PPP guides how S/WMPO encourages public involvement in the metropolitan transportation planning process and provides access to the organization's planning documents and information.